Drafthouse Films

The ABCs of Death


Add Your Film

Submissions for the ABCs of Death 26th Director have closed.


Any questions please write to : info@theabcsofdeath.com

Definitions. Capitalized words used herein have the following meanings:

  1. “Company” means The ABCs Of Death Film Limited (“the ABCs Of Death” or “Company”)
  2. “Entrant” means an individual who has validly registered to take part in the competition.
  3. “26th Film”  or “Film”  or “short” means a film which an Entrant uploads to the ABCs Of Death official website.
  4. “Terms and Conditions” means these Terms and Conditions.

Posting Conditions.

 In order to post a Film for the ABCs Of Death 26th Director Competition, the following must be adhered to;

  • Entrant must enter valid contact details.
  • Entrant must upload your Film to the ABCs Of Death official website and accept these Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them. 
  • Entrant must first upload your short to Vimeo™ or Youtube™ and then link to the Official ABCs Of Death site.
  • Entrant must use word beginning with "T".
  • Entrant must not upload any film which contains third party copyrighted material unless you have obtained prior written approval for your use of same. 
  • Entrant must not upload any Film which contains branded segments unless you have obtained prior written approval for your use of same. 
  • Entrant must keep your ABC Film under four (4) minutes in length. There is no minimum running time.
  • Entrant film's aspect ratio must be 1.77:1
  • Entrant must make sure to have everybody who appears recognizably in your film execute a talent release form
  • Entrant must make sure all music and songs are cleared for use within this competition by the appropriate parties.
  • Entrant must put the title of your short (ie T is for Tazer) before the short commences and your credits must be after the short ends. (title & credits do not count towards running time)
  • Entrant must be of legal age in the jurisdiction in which they live.
  • Please make sure to keep a master of your ABC short professionally stored at all times. At the ABCs of Death direction, entrant maybe asked to deliver a HD version to the ABCs Of Death to our office. If you are editing on Avid, Final Cut, please keep a working project file onhand. 

All shorts must begin with a full screen of RED. Camera can pan or zoom away from the RED.

All shorts must end on a RED screen of some sort. Camera can pan or zoom into the RED.

PLEASE NOTE : The above is just an example. Be creative with it. 

Entrant must note that your content may become the exclusive property in perpetuity of the ABCs Of Death, if the ABCs Of Death notifies you by email that you have won the 26th Director Competition. 

Content Review.

By uploading a Film, you agree that:

  1. The Company has the absolute right to review and reject at any time any short Film which Company deems, in its sole and absolute discretion, is unacceptable.
  2. If Company determines at any time that  Film is not acceptable, you agree they can remove the Film immediately from the ABCs Of Death official website
  3. You understand that Company is not required to give any reason for its determination that a Film is unacceptable


  1. By uploading a Film, you are not transferring any rights of ownership in the Film to Company or any other third party.
  2. Members of the public may view Films posted to the ABCs Of Death official website
  3. After uploading a Film, you are not restricted in your use of the Film and may continue to exhibit it in other venues and online
  4. If your Film is voted as one of the top ten (10) shorts by the global online community, it will be then go on to be judged by the other twenty-five (25) participating directors in the ABCs Of Death feature film project. The eventual winner will be announced on Nov 15, 2011 and his/her short will be included in the ABCs of Death feature film.
  5. By uploading your Flm, and in consideration for Company agreeing to accept your Film in this competition, you are granting Company an exclusive and irrevocable option to acquire all the rights in your Film should it win the competition.  The Company may exercise its option at any time it chooses within 3 months of the end of the competition by notifying you by email.  On exercise of the option and payment of a one-off payment of USD$5,000, the Company shall become the owner in perpetuity of your Film and shall be entitled (but not obligated) to include the Film in the Company’s production “The ABCs of Death”. 
  6. If your Film is selected as the winner of the competition you agree to participate in reasonable publicity and promotional activities as required by Company and agree that the Company may publish your name and biographical information via the Company’s website and any other media.  If your Film is included in the Company’s production “The ABCs of Death” you agree that the Company is entitled to publish your name, appearance, and biographical details in connection with the Film.
  7. If your Film is selected as the winner of the competition you agree, if required by the Company, to enter into a director agreement or similar in connection with your participation in the Company’s film on the usual terms and conditions applying to such agreements.

Your Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that you have the full right and authority to upload and post your Film on the ABCs Of Death official website and that the posting of same will not violate any rights of any persons.

Producer Amendment. Producers reserve the right to add one, two or three shorts to the Top Ten (making it a Top Eleven, Twelve or Thirteen) if they feel great work is somehow being overlooked by the public voting system. 

Indemnity. You hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold Company harmless if Company incurs any loss, cost, or expense (including attorneys’ fees), due to any claim by you or any other parties relating to the posting of your Film on the ABCs Of Death official website

Notices. All notices shall be in writing and shall be delivered by e-mail to each party’s last known email address.

Entire Agreement. These Terms and Conditions and the other items referred to herein represent the complete agreement of the parties relating to the subject matter hereof.

Amendment. The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time by posting notice thereof on its website. Upon posting, the amended Terms and Conditions and the other items referred to herein shall represent the complete agreement of the parties relating to the subject matter hereof.

Governing Law. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of New Zealand.

Disclaimer. It is possible that Films which you post may be downloaded or copied by third parties without Company’s permission, and you waive any claim against the Company for such actions.

Further Actions. You agree to execute any and all documents and take any other actions reasonably required to effectuate the purposes of these Terms and Conditions. You grant us a power of attorney for such purposes (it being acknowledged that such appointment is irrevocable and coupled with an interest) with full power of substitution and delegation if you fail to do so within five (5) business days of our written request.

Execution. By clicking the appropriate “I Accept” button, you are “signing” these Terms and Conditions for all purposes under applicable law.